Saturday, February 14, 2009
garage sales n curry mee
we were looking for some stuff like furniture,electrical appliances to put into our new house
wat is garage sales?
according to wikipedia...A garage sale, also known as a yard sale, rummage sale, tag sale, attic sale, moving sale, or junk sale, is an informal, irregularly scheduled event for the sale of used goods by private individuals, in which "block sales" are allowed, so that sellers are not required to obtain business licenses or collect sales tax.
we bought a lot of things
some are necessary,some are not
but most of the things are cheap
we bought 3 chaird for $ rite??
i also bought a belt that only cost me &1
it is better if we go to garage sales early as we can buy more
we went home at 2
we cooked curry mee..nyum2
it was so nice...
but the funny thing is kak fadila try to heat up the boil egg by microwave
n the egg was burst in the microwave
when we took it out,the egg burst n it splash evrywhere...hahaha
i shud tke a pic of the burst egg....hihihi
at last we didnt eat any egg with mee curry
as the day was so hot
we end up ate many cups of ice cream
but the truth is the Bulla ice cream is so nice
i sms to my abah ask him to buy the tcket soon
i cant wait to go home...hahhaha just been here for a week but now thinking to go home...
wat to do
i miss malaysia as the weather now is just like malaysia
i miss my family so much...
grateful to b in adelaide
after a week in adelaide
i feel very grateful that i was chosen to b in adelaide
its cheaper here if compare to other places in aussie
no bushfire like in victoria n flood in queensland..
the snior is also kind
we can find asian food here
things bout adelaide,australia
1. i heard from my snior...australian is the fattest people in the world
2. the water from pip can be drink..its clean
3. the shops in ct will b closed at 5pm but on friday it will be opened until 9pm
4. the people are nice but u cant offer anyting to them.or else u will b sued if sumting bad happen..
5. u only can drive 40 kmph in the ct but 600kmph on other road
6. the transportation system is good here
7. the weather is always changes, it can b hot in a week n the next week is cold..but the humidity is low n its very dry u need a lot of moisturizer or else u will feel itchy n u will scratch like monkey...hehee
the adelaide ct is called a 20minuts we can go to many places in 20minutes
Friday, February 13, 2009
its getting warm
adelaide is getting warm
when i saw at the temperature shows it was 30 degree
the temperature is just like malaysian...
well i feel not so well today bcoz the changes of the weather
today...i called my parent
i miss them so much
my mom said the matta fair has a ticket kl-adl at rm800
it is cheap
if ada rezki, im going bck this year..end of this year
i went to chinatown n central market
its quite far if walking but its still in adelaide ct
there are many cheap fruits n vege
n the chicken meats n beef also quite cheap...
in central market, we can see many asian food
n some food are from msia
tomorrow some of my frends will fly to melbourne,queensland,canberra
some advice to them
1. bring moisturizer lotions
2. buy summer clothes during winter...its cheap
3. do inspeect the house bfore u rent it
4. do inspection to many houses until u satisfy,then only u r agree to sign the agreenent
wat else??
5. get to know some snior as they can help u
6. dun forget to do roaming for ur phone line
7. bring medical cek up receipt n visa receipt to claim the money
tilll sleep
Thursday, February 12, 2009
finally..we found a house
after 4days be a house hunter...
finally we've found a house
but i didnt see it yet
coz i went to law enrolment..
im xcited to stay in our new house....havent sign agreement yet..
but i also feel sad to move out...hehehe..
going to miss kak fadila n kak aini n the train in front of their house..hoho
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
its my birthday...
next..we went to international welcoming center to have a bbq welcoming
after our stomach was full, jany n i went to rundle mall to buy her stuff..
i will upload the pics soon..i still dunno how to use my i cant upload..
nas potong kek yay!!
new hp..lost in the city..
well..those who going to aussie can registered
adelaide city map
Monday, February 9, 2009
looking for accomodation...
nice spot in adelaide u
Sunday, February 8, 2009
arrival...1st day in adelaide...
the weather is cold..i like it...huhu
it was so hot b4 this..but yesterday..the weather chge...mayb going to autumn..
jpa's group which including me n kak aini were arrive at adelaide's airport at 715am(adelaide time)
alhamdulillah we manage to settle evryting smoothly(immigration,quarantine checking n so on)
we were welcoming by our seniors from MISSA n Pn Haslina(JPA's Officer)
after our attendance has been taken..we moving out to have a small briefing by Pn haslina
alhamdulillah, she help us for uni pick we manage to get free taxi to go to kak aini's hse..
my 1st impression was adelaide is a calm city..i hardly find many people on the road
kak aini said it may because of it was sunday n it was a weekend
adelaide people just like to stay at home during weekend....a new thing for me..
well,lets c whether my impression will chge or not in the future..hihi
kak aini's hse is nice..
the railway station is just in front of her hse
so we can see people waiting for the train n we could notice when the train will stop here
kak aini's hse is big enough to place 3 people..
the compound is big that we can plant many things and do bbq evry week....hahaha
the backyard also big...
we were introduced to kak fadila who is kak aini's hsemte
she also a nice senior
she served spirali for us..thanx
after eating,we rest as we didnt sleep enough in the plane..
then when it was almost 12pm, we get ready to go to another snior hse to hve a meeting with pn haslina
kak alia came to fetch us
along the journey to the meeting plce, i realised that the houses are short but wide n big
they have small fence where people can just step over it...hehe
we reached there n meet some sniors n other freshie students from MARA too
we roasted satay...woo ho it was my 1st time doing so..never did this thing in Malaysia..hehe
when pn haslina came, we stop roasting n went into the house to listen to her briefing
she is a nice person..really nice
then...we ate satay,kuah kacang,nasi impit n nasi ayam
i felt like i was in malaysia n we had a big feast..
then.after sembang2..
we went home
doing noting at home..just looking for some houses..
i dun hve other pics coz the pic is in another camera..
i reached klia at 5.05pm
then check our luggage in n meet some jpa people to ask some question was fmily time where we can stay with fmily n do anyting we want
at 8 pm we need to assemble in front of rhb bank
then we hve a briefing from jpa n mas..n we got back out paspot,visa n also tcket
around 825.the briefing had finished n we could meet our fmily n frends for the last time
at 830,we checked in...
the c24 gate is so far...n i brought the heavy hand luggage
my advice to those who going soon...plz bring beg beroda....
then we wait to get inro plane
my seat was 21g..i sat between aween n an australian man
i was full but the food that stewards stewardess offer were tempted..hihihi
i couldnt sleep inside the cabin,..not so comfortable
we manage to reach adelaide safely....n we reach at adelaide airport around 715am..
Friday, February 6, 2009
leaving so soon
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
things to bring
1. Passport
2. dokumen Visa atau printed version of eVisa
3. Driving licence (malaysian) kalau ada
4. Malaysian IC
5. Others eg. Salinan Offer letter dari univ, sijil2 masa sekolah or matriks (kalau x nak bawak pon takpe), afidavit dari JPA, dokumen2 dari JPA dan seangkatan dengannya
1. Australian dollar (at least AUD100) – better tukar siap2 kat mesia sebab bank kat sana tak berapa nak terima duit RM kita)
2. Traveller’s cheque - better ada dalam few hundreds (for emergency)
3. Malaysian RM - just in case x sempat nk tukar kt mesia, dan utk nak guna balik hujung tahun
4. Duit syiling Oz - boleh pecahkan kat sana, sebab kaunter foreign exchange kat mesia slalunya xde (ni just in case nk guna utk tepon org guna public fon kt sana)
5. buku akaun bank kt mesia - kalo ada overseas n internet bankin bawak jelah buku akaun ni
6. kredit kad atau kad ATM
electrical/electronic goods to bring (suggestions):
1. Adaptor – sebab kt sana agak mahal (dalam range Aud10), n lubang plug dia pon lain
2. Handset
3. charger
4. PDA- kalo ada, hehe
5. laptop – kalo ada gak
6. CD2 kosong (kalo nak bawakla...)
7. mp3 – kalo ada
8. kamera – wajib ada, hehe
9. thumb drive/ external hard drive– sgt berguna utk simpan file, sume org ada kot skrg, hehe...zaman akak dulu x glamor lagi mende ni...
10. iron, kettle etc – ni sume better beli kt sana(oz), rugi bwk sebab beratkn beg
Bedding stuff
1. bedsheet – satu cukup je, leh beli lagi kt sana-xbw pun xpa
2. sarung bantal - pon satu dah cukup, leh beli kt sana
3. selimut nipis – in case terlebih sejuk
4. bantal kecik – tapi kalu x muat beg, x yahla unless kalau bantal busuk
1. baju sejuk fleece – at least satu, yang nipis pon ok, better beli kt sana sebab lagi sesuai utk climate sana, kalu beli kt mesia mahal
2. seluar2
3. baju kurung – at least sepasang dua, sebab kalo x bawak memang nyesal aa…btul ni!
4. tudung2 dan serkup secukupnya
5. underwear secukupnya
6. kain dalam
7. towel – satu cukup dulu, leh beli lg kt sana,murah jek
8. socks – sikit2 je dah, kt sana lagi byk stoking best2 J
9. jubah, tshirts, baju jln2 – suka hati...
10. telekung n sejadah – satu dua pon dah cukup...
1. sikat
2. brooch
3. bedak
toilettries (bawak sekadar cukup utk guna seminggu pon ok, sebab boleh beli kt sana)
1. berus gigi
2. ubat gigi
3. syampu
4. sabun
5. losyen badan – better ada sikit, xpon leh beli kt sana, sebab cuaca agak kering, so better pakai 6. tuala wanita
7. facial wash/scrub
1. kasut biasa – sepasang pon cukup jek
2. selipar
3. sports shoes – leh je beli kt sana
4. hanger – kalo muat beg, bwk la, kalo x, mtk dgn senior skit (diorg ada byk), hihi
5. kompas
6. quran/tafsir quran – as our guidance duduk di negeri org...
7. beg ke uni / backpack
8. alatulis selengkapnya – kt sana pon byk...
9. ubat-ubatan yg awk biasa amik eg minyak angin, ubat lelah etc
1. mende2 kering eg ikan bilis, ikan masin, udang kering boleh bawak, tp kena make sure ianya btul2 kering, xde isi perut, x berkulat, sebab kalo tak, kastam akan rampas.
2. kiub2 masakan eg sup bunjut, tomyam tapi kalo ada bunga cengkih, tak lepas kastam...)3. perencah2, rempah2 kari
4. keropok ikan
5. jgn bawa apa2 brg yg berasaskan daging, ayam, telur, nanti kena rampas oleh kastam
Additional info : Liquid stuff (eg. Toner, lotion) must not exceed 100ml if carrying in hand luggage. To be safe, put them into check-in baggage. Apapun persediaan yang paling utama adalah jiwa raga kita. bykkan doa moga Allah permudahkan urusan kita dan sentiasa memberi inayah dan petunjuknya...
thanx to kak ummu hanani n Kak Nik Shah
back to school:)
i went to smk sultanah asma
im going to bring all of the memories,knowledges n the advices to adelaide
Monday, February 2, 2009
lunch..i cook nasi jgung..
in the nutshell,i ate corn today..a lot of corns...huhu
i love jgung although it can make me fat *errk*
Sunday, February 1, 2009
mantoux test
finally i hve done my mantoux test
hope it will give negative result
so that i can fly esaily
as i wil get the result this thursday
n going to go kl this thursday...