Thursday, December 31, 2009
goodbye 2009
yeah...there was a new chapter of life
a new chapter that began when i step my 1st foot into MAS
the 1st time i fly to oversea
the 1st time being miles away from my family
i would say there are many 1st time in 2009 diary...
2009 treated me badly yet some good things happened to me
i learnt a lot,been such an independent girl..
the last year that i bcome a TEENager...
im gonna be 20 soon...(still...i cant accept the fact..)
but i reckon after wat i've experienced so far...i am a matured girl now..
i hope ALLAH will always guide me in everything i've done
i hve made lots of mistake along the way
hope the old mistake wont be repeated anymore
hope i learn how to improve myself
hope my iman will be gained
hope my ibadah will be better
hope the positive things will be in 2010
lets check my resolutions in 2009
to be honest, i couldnt remember what are they...gagaga
i reckon..i wanna lose 5 kg but wat happen is i gain another 3 kg....bad uhhuh?!?
then...i wanna have some saving...but the reality is my current saving isnt enough to pay my january bills
wat else??? heeee forgot lah....
well tomorrow im gonna write the new resoulution for 2010....
wat past is past..
im gonna learn everything...bad n good things in 2009
goodbye 2009
im gonna miss u so much!!
thanx ALLAH for giving me another day for me to breath the air
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
just reached
in lcct..waiting for my next flight to aloq staq...i cant wait to reach there...hohohoho
last week, i went to melbourne with pka
we stayed at pka's aunt endeavour hills..
we did a lot of shopping...or i wud say windows shopping...coz i hveno money to shop like heaven...
1st day..we went jalan2 in the airpot coz her aunties are working..
alhamdulillah, we found nandos...i reckon thats the only restaurant with halal foods...we were starving b4 we found nandos..
so to people in malaysia..dont waste ur food..we who stay oversea..susah nk cari makanan halal...
the 2nd day..we went to melbourne city
walk around the city...its a very big city with lots of places to shop
in the evening, i met pak teh n tok ngah in pak teh's hotel
long time no see tok ngah as he rarely go back to malaysia..the last time i met him was when arwah tok still alive...means 2 years ago..
but we did keep in touch via phone when i was in adelaide...thanx tok ngah
the nex day..we stayed at home...learn how to cook chinese foods from pka's aunt...oh ya...pka's aunties are chinese...
the nex day...went out to the city to buy souvenirs..
went to meet pak teh
at 1st, we want to go to tok ngah's house which is in balwyn
but he was busy with late christmas shopping coz that was a day before christmas day...
so we went jalan2 with pak teh n uncle zack..during our lunch in es teller n max brenner..we had pep talk session...hohohoho
then went back home..we were very tired...penat oo jalan2 kat melbourne city...much bigger than adelaide city...
the nex day was a christmas day
we stayed at home
at nyte,we went to the aunties' frend....she is a good cook...but im too full to taste every food that she served..we brought our own bbq as we can only eat halal food
during the meal, one of the guest asked us about thing that i sad was he asked about y some muslim drink alcohol, eat non halal food
i cant blame is fact. its hard to answer them as it is other people who brokee the law that made by ALLAH.they create fitna to Islam...sad,isnt it?
i answered them by telling that is is like road law..we have to stop if the traffic light turn to red..but some people still continue the journey...people have choice to follow the rule or not...they know the consequence if they r not following, we will get fine or wat...but in ISLAM,,we will get sin...
26th dec..boxing day
went to chadstone..the aunties told me that it is the biggest shopping complex in southern is good sales though..but like i said eaarlier...i hve no money to shop like regretful....
we went to DFO...
this time i did shopping..but i bought things for my siblings kind i am..hahahahah...perasan....
went to shop some fruits to bring back to malaysia
we went to's quite cheap there...
29..stay at hime
at nyte..went to airpot i am..breath the air of malaysia....
Sunday, December 20, 2009
goodbye adelaide...
im done with my 1st year.....sgt cepat...
im gonna miss every bits n moments in year 1...
learnt a lot of things..
met people from over the world..made new friends..
now its time for me to go back
but wait...ill be in melbourne for 10 days before fly back to malaysia...
may ALLAH bless me in every steps i take...
good bye adelaide
gonna misss u so much..the old house n the current house....the seniors,the new friends, the extreme weather....the bitter and sweet memories....
all will be in my memories..forever....
iA we will meet again nex year,adelaide
salam maal hijrah...
Thursday, November 26, 2009
salam aidiladha
salam aidiladha
moga pengorbanan kita diterima ALLAH
minggu yang agak sibuk..
selepas kepulangan kawan2 dari melbourne n canberra, bermula la episod mencari rumah baru...walaupun penat tapi seronok melihat rumah2 d adelaide ni..boleh amik idea utk bina rumah pada masa akan datang.
namun dugaan datang menimpa..
pika dimasukkan ke hospital dari 25 november. hingga kini doktor tak dapat kesan penyakit, belum pasti appendix atau tidak.
maknanya, aidiladha ini kami sambut di hospital. mungkin ini pengorbanan untuk aidiladha kali ini.
ibu ucap salam aidiladha semalam
terima kasih ibu.salam aidiladha untuk ibu juga. semoga abah dan ibu dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera. semoga mendapat haji yang mabrur. rindu sangat abah ibu.
semalam bil hospital smpai.
5 jam di hospital untuk pemeriksaan, ujian darah dan ujian air kencing... cuba teka bil berapa?
$383. sangat mahal....
di kesempatan ini,ingin mengucapkan salam aidiladha
kalau ada salah dan silap harap dimaafi
marilah kita berkorban dan berjuang kerana ALLAH
semoga diberkati ALLAH selalu
***khas berbahasa melayu sebab rindu nak menulis dalam BM..
*** kenapa tak boleh tukar warna2 tulisan?? hurmmm...
Monday, November 23, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
yesterday..with picka n aween
y cant i chnge my color font? hurm..hurm... tsk tsk
yesterday was a nice day altho i was very tired...heee
yesterday was pka's last paper..material
i watched nodame in the morning
then, i went to city
buy chocolates,cards n post it to my ex-housemte..ting ting,joey,chua
then, i went to commonwealth bank
coz i wanna make some complain due to monthly fees that i supposely wont get get charge as i am student
but nvm,people make long as they stop the charge n refund my money back..that will be fine enough
then, went to rundle mall
window so in love with window shopping
its really a good therapy to me altho i hve no money...hohohoho
btw...rundle mall is very nice with christmas decoration and accessories
then,we went to inspect a house at paradise
it was such a nice house...
we love it
but im praying that ALLAH will give the best house for us to rent. i dont want to move again.its very troublesome n hve to spend lots of money...
we were not able to go to the 2nd inspection which is at hilton coz the J bus came we hve no mood to wait any longer as we saw our 171 bus twice already..pathetic
we reached home around 7pm
i started to bake a butter cake..weehhooo
i love baking. the 1st time i baked is when i was 11 y.o, standard 6..
then...after isyak...we had a karaoke session in my room.
teya couldnt join us coz she has exam this morning..sorry teya..will do it nex time.promise!! ;)
today's planning..
going to meronggeng at rundle mall again
spend time with my beloved housemtes coz everyone is done with 1st year today,insyALLAH
n aween is going back to malaysia n dubai tomorrow
jalan2 adelaide city..
since i finish my exam..i went to adelaide central business district (cbd) almost everyday..
1st day after exam (13/11/09~friday)
aween n i went to central market to buy our grocery things
in the late afternoon, we went to dr zaki's hse for tafsir surah as-saba 15-40
2nd day(14/11/09~saturday)
went to city agaain
1st..went to cm again to buy souvenirs(aween is going back n i want to buy sumting for my ex-hsemte)
then, we went to meet kak kay,kak naima n umair n we headed to designer direct's shop
the shop will be closed down because of financial crisis. i tot i would buy a quilt as i have none. but it turned up, aween n i didnt buy anything. but i gain lots of information bout quilt. so,if anyone want to know bout quilt...feel free to ask me;)
thanx to the the friendly and helpful sad for them that the shop need to be closed down
then, we went to rundle mall.after buy things, we went back
btw..there is such a big event that was happening in the city. i coulnt recall what the event name is..something pageant...but generally, its like celebrating merdeka in malaysia. there's parade. but the pageant is for christmas.most of the road in the city were close due to the public show. i got to capture some pictures but i not good at taking pictures.sorry!!
3rd day (15/11/09)
temperature: 40 degrees. so we stayed at home...coz its too hot to go out!!
the day i edit my bloggie:)
lets have a look at the not-so-pretty-picture
Saturday, November 14, 2009 2nd sem
i wanted to change u...
i checked out lots of websites to find new background..
but after i chged to this background, as u can see today(15/11/20009)...i still not satisfied...i tried to change again but then it become so slow...
so i decided to use this background.
could u see the blog head?
its sunflowers coz i love sunflower..ahakz
n the desription..i took it from surah al-Baqarah ayat 30 (2:30)
its about human being...
we were the best creature that ALLAH has made
so we shudnt put ourselves to the low level by doing bad things..
ALLAH made us as a khalifah(leader) in this world, the nice world...alhamdulillah
so, we should carry this responsibility properly..we owe the duty of care to every living things in this world as well as to each of us n also to the non-living things like gas,water n all those things. is the 3rd day after my exam.
today's planning..
watching gossip girl season 3
n finish read the 1st series of harry potter
hope i can complete my today's task
btw.,...i shud put recite al-Quran as one of my thing to do today;)
till now,
Friday, November 13, 2009
so many things to do...
good news:
abah called me just now
so happy...
but just talk for a few minutes...
but alhamdulillah everything is fine there...
today's activities:
coooking,laundry, clean up my room, grocery shopping, usrah
b4 the exam, i hve so many things to be posted
but now no mood...
wanna watch so many movies but yet no time to do so
i dun want to waste any of my day altho its holiday now
arabic quote: " masa lapang pemuda pemudi akan membunuhnya"
hoping my holiday will be fully utilised
will use it for my benefit
till here
Thursday, November 12, 2009
end of the 1st year
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
being busy with raya, assignments and study (opppss ye ke?)
btw, i dunno wat to write..wat to tell (pathetic nyaa hidup)
raya was good (cerita basi..syawal dh abis)
i was so busy....i want more time..i had no time to rest when i was in malaysia
only 1 week in aloq staq terchenta...
but i did pampered myself with all my beloved person and i did pampering them..(ada ke perkataan pampering..wateva!!)
good news during raya..
i got quite a lot of duit raya (alhamdulillah)
i gained weight (not a good news anyway)
my best frend is engaged!! now, she already flewn to UK..all the best to her
i met some of my old frends,schoolmates in ASMA
bad news:
too tired
didnt do my assignment
gained weight
asma reunion tak jadi...sigh sigh sigh!!! (too frust)
(dah, dah...ckupla mengeluh..igt nikmat ALLAH..haisshh)
wat happen after i came back to adel:
started to do assignment
got back my assignment..not good..sigh!!
start to follow my diet
waiting for allowance to bank in...(cepatla..cepatla...hahaha)
ate ikan kering n sardine for the 1st week when i reached here....(gila pathetic)
open hse was so awesome..thanx everyone..
the pix...if rajin, then ill be posting them after exam...
study for the final exam
public law : 7.11
torts 2 : 10.11
property law : 12.11
Thursday, September 17, 2009
untuk housemates tersayang..
teya,pka,nas,aween at our house on picka's 20th bday
Alhamdulillah sudah 28 hari(insyALLAH) kita menyambut Ramadhan
Friday, September 4, 2009
salam Ramadhan
i got my 1st assignment on the 1st monday of Ramadhan which till now i havent started anything yet..
i will start to do it today.. *promise*
then, i already submitted my 2nd assignment..which is property law..
next week,im going to get my 2nd property law assignment..meaning i hve to finish my very 1st assignment: public law
then before going home,i will get my research Q which is on the very last day before i go back to Malaysia.
i cant say that im looking forward to go back as i hve so many things to do within 2 weeks...
may ALLAH give me His Guidance to manage everything..
done with assignments
now, lets go to Ramadhan...
Ramadhan was started after the sunset of 21st august 2009. we were praying tarawih at eclipse room as we had kembara ilmu on that day...alhamdulillah, i perfomed my 1st tarawih altogether with all muslim malaysian ("berjamaah").
alhamdulillah, this Ramadhan...i felt like my "amal" is improving. i never skipped tarawih like i used to do when im in malaysia. n i performed tarawih "berjamaah". likewise,my other "amal" are improving as well. im not saying this to be proud but how irony that my "amal" is improving while im apart from my family, far from Islam community, in the country that Muslims are minority. it shows that Islam can be practised anywhere regardless whether u r in muslim community or not. its not where u live that will determine the strength of ur faith but YOURSELF that play the important role. that is the beauty of Islam; the love from ALLAH. ALLAH isnt discriminate anyone. everyone is treated equally. the difference between one to another is ur "faith" level. so, anyone can get the opportunity to get closer to ALLAH regardless wat is his/her race, colour, gender, weatlthy and so on...thanx ALLAH:)
in malay customs, we always cook something special during Ramadhan. that is why i feel homesick. not only me actually but it happens to evryone..hehehe
so, my housemates n i always cook special menus, try new recipes ;)
aween always make kek batik
picka always make pudding
teya cooks new menu, malaysian kueh
me??? till now, i already cooked nasi ayam, kuih lapis, karipap pusing, roti sardin gulung, cucur jagung, bubur jagung, cucur badak n some dishes that i invented..hohohoho...
events that i attended since 1st Ramadhan: kembara ilmu 5, darurah fiqh wanita,usrah, malam merdeka with tan sri hj harussani zakaria(mufti perak)
ok,now i need to go off...i want to read the materials for my assignment n attempt to complete it by end of next week...
lots of love:)
salam Ramadhan:)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
SaLaM RaMaDHaN & SaLaM PeRaNTauaN..
since Ramadhan,i havent posted any entry yet...kinda busy with Ramadhan herself...assignments that i got, preparation to go home..weeehoooo
this post will be shortest ever..i guess...
just wanna let my parents know that pic for salam perantaun already released out at utusan
here is the link :
Saturday, August 15, 2009
week 3 of the sem 2: BIRTHDAY ABAH
lets wish my abah "happy birthday"
may ALLAH bless u always
me love u every in every breath i take
sorry for all my wrong doings
wish u will be happy always
praying for u n ibu can go to perform hajj soon
praying for ur happiness in this life and the world of hereafter
ibu and them so so much!!
as i hve no class on tuesday and thursday,
guess what i hve done on those days?
i watched gossip girl season 1 and 1 episode of season 2
as im going to get my assignment tomorrow...i wont be playful anymore..
3 weeks of having fun is enough,nasruna!!!!!!!
my gossip girl's novel collection..will buy more and more..i started to read these novel after my spm
lets talk about usrah,
i already memerise surah an-naba from 1-12...
thanx ALLAH for helping me..give me ur Guidance
kak Balqis told us to have a quality 2 hours for study
great rite???ill try to have it....must put into my daily schedule
wat else?
my sister told me yesterday that my cousin,amin got swine flu
omg, i never expected that someone close to me will get swine flu
but this is reality
im going to make a phone call to malaysia,specifically my aunt
im praying amin will get well sooon
now im getting on nerves about going back to malaysia for raya....:(
ramadhan is coming so soon
im so happy and really looking forward to meeting Ramadhan
i already plan to cook some malaysian kueh and give it to some friends....
miss the moment during ramadhan in malaysia where we always exchange our food..good way to sedekah,...thanx ALLAH..good way to get reward plus can try other people's food....
i think thats all for today
i wanna study public law + tresspass to person (how backdated i am:( haisshh )
Sunday, August 9, 2009
6 months in adelaide
we meet again
nothing special within this week except for 2 things...allowance already banked in by jpa..
i got my allownce 1 week after others, last wednesday
but after i paid off all the debt, rental fees n so on, my money left not even $1000 n i hve to spent it for 3 months...
another special thing is im already been in adelaide for 6 months
means 6 months i havent step on malaysian land
did not breath Her air
its completely 6 months im in adel
i still can remember the moment...the 1st time reached here
all feelings that i got..excited,sad,nervous,curious n so on
i met so many good people..
especially my beloved housemates (aween,pka,teya)
thanx to my beloved housemates for being such a nice and lovely love u
so, i organised an event to celebrate our 6months in adel
started with taking photos for salam perantauan at adelaide uni
then we went to botanical garden to have our picnic
then we went to adelaide zoo
thanx everyone for the cooperation
my eyes already strained, so i dun want to write so long
lets pictures tell the 1000 stories of the day:)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
welcome new sem!!
i had such a wonderful beginning for the new semester which is semester 2.(owh really???)
let me tell u a bit n pieces of wat has happened for the whole week
it was my 1st day of sem 2.
i only had principle of public law classes
we learnt about the gov system, the branches of public law like constitutional law,administrative law, criminal law, international law but we will learn more about constitutional law n admin law,if im not mistaken...must check my course outline again
i have a lecture in the morning (10-12) and a seminar at 2-4pm
laura grenfell is my lecturer n also seminar leader for this subject
this time, jany n i are not in the same class again...
im praying that ALLAH makes all things easier for me...
rabbi tu yasir wala tu 'asir fa intta yassir kul li 'asir 'alaika yasir
i hve no class today
i was fasting+study+made some plans.
i thought im going to have my busy day
but it turned out to be only 3 hours of property law lecture as in the 1st week,we didnt hve any seminar
we watched an inconvenient truth: global warming by al sparked me to take a good care of our earth..
some of my friends (jpa scholars) already got their allowance
only some of us who didnt get it including me(im still waiting for it rite now)
we went to rundle mall n i had my hot chocolate at gloria jeans(i love chocolates)
supposely i have my torts seminar at 11-12 but as it was a 1st week,so we have no class
i fast on this day
but the thing is i end up watching 9 episodes of "NUR KASIH"
this is happened as my aunt has promoted this drama again and again
anyways, the drama is so good..there are the message that i reckon good for everyone especially muslim..cant wait to watch the next episodes...
it was my dear housemate's,picka the pepper's birthday...hohoho
i baked a cheese cake for her as she loves cheese cake so much
then i cooked mee bandung for her....
it was my 1st time to cook mee bandung and cheese cake
we had some party to celebrate her birthday..
i invited QH people,ovingham people,ashmal and ashford people...
supposedly it shud be a suprise but it end up a not so suprise party..watever,as long we did enjoy it....
happy birthday mak ncik picka the pepper...hohohoho
1st of august 2009
wow its already august
how time flies so fast
noting much on this day...
we went to central market for grocery shopping
at nyte, we had an "usrah"
usrah is like a group to discuss anything that we want to tarbiyah ourselves
but something bad happened to me...
this thing happened to me so many times..
i thought its gonna happen again specially in australia
but ALLAH's happened again last nite
but i stregthen my spirit to fight this bad thing
thanx usrah member for keeping me calm and accompany me and motivated me
this morning woke up n felt my head was so pain...
O ALLAH,plz save me
plz help me
i want to be healthy
i want to be strong to study....
till here my dear blog
i reckon that i could not sit in front of laptop so much
my eyes are straining n i got headache
will c u nex week
Sunday, July 26, 2009
the last day of sem is coming...
i thought im going to be exciting for the new sem
but i have so many things to do that i wish i can get a longer holiday
well,here was the story for the week
forgot to blog this
18th july 2009
my ibu turn to be a 45 years old woman
happy birthday u so much
may ALLAH bless u always
praying for ur best in this world n the world of hereafter
i did call her at midnite of 18th july(malaysia time)
in the evening, my hsemtes n i went to glenelg beach as we want to accompany pka bring her friend from qld n nsw jalan2..
we went to eat pizza at fel fella(halal restaurant)
19th july 2009
went to tazkirah with ustazah fariza
i met her in melbourne during seminar mahasiswa malaysia
guess wat?she is originally from kedah..the interesting part is she has 13 children...
the tazkirah was nice..
the most thing that i remember was.. ALLAH sukakan ketinggian.umat Islam memiliki ketinggian kerana merupakan umat yang ALLAH kasihi dan rahmati. jadi jangan berasa rendah diri dengan orang lain kerana kita umat Islam yang recognised by ALLAH...
20th july 2009
spent time at home with aween
watched mr brain,eat n internet
made an appoinment with doctor
21st july 2009
went to see Doctor at uni health
the doctor said i got common flu...
actually i was feeling better on this day...but bcoz of my appointment,still i need to c the Dr..leceh!!
i went to print something,took my exam paper n got the course outline
went to
22nd july 2009
went to palestin roadshow in the evening
we won the bidding for the red bicycle
the bidding price is $1050...hohohoho
then, i bid a food bowl for simon...cost me $2.50
it was a nice event
i love the food..ate a lot...
dr zainurrashid,imported from malaysia....he is a counsultant for aman palestin if im not mistaken
his talk was superb...not boring at all altho i did yawning...its my norm ok..hehhee
23rd july 2009
went to a tazkirah by dr zainurrashid at kak nadia's house
the tazkirah was superb(again!)...
seriously...he is an amazing person..thumbs up!
the way he gave tazkirah was relaxing...i njoyed it
then we went to visit QH
i cooked maggi mee goreng...kak shidah cooked kuih cara n kak fizah made a custard pudding
the foods were so delicious
another thumbs up today!!hohohoho
then we went to visit lisa at the village
the village is a uni hostel
the place is very2 nice....but the price also nice..hahahaaha(quoted from kak alia 2009)
24th july 2009
went to QH..kak balqis's house
for post winter trip event..the closing
once again..i ate a lot...hohoohho
n we got a souvenir
25th july 2007
went for the wahai pemuda program
it was an event to reminiscing the moment since we were put our 1st step in the peaceful adelaide...hohoho
it such a good event..i got to 1st presentation in adel
then, we went to have a picnic with jany,may ker,linh,vady
once again..i ate a lot
thats y i bcome so fat rite now...
haissh i scared i cant fit my baju raya...
need to start the mission to slim down...hohohoh
today is the last of day of my holiday
the new sem is starting tomorrow:)
im hoping for the best for my new sem:)
Monday, July 20, 2009
winter trip 09
we departed around 10am
it was my 1st time to go out from the peaceful adelaide
it took about 26 hours to reach sydney..
i spent the day by reading novel while sleep at nyte...hohoho
11th july 2009
reach sydney,specifically lakemba (many muslims stay here) aroun 10am
we had our lunch.met ila,fiza,adilah at lakemba mosque
went to hi tea with MSD officers,JPA's, MARA's, PETRONAS' officers
went to sydney opera house,darling harbor at nyte
slept at lakemba mosque
12th july 2009
went to sydney city
went to chinese garden(garden in the city,paid $3 for entrance)
then went to paddy market...lots of things to buy but no money..hohoho
depart to canberra
reach Canberra Islamic Center around 10pm,something happened..lisa was faint..
kak ili n some seniors brought her to hospital,alhamdulillah she's fine
after dinner,we cooked until 2am..hohoho...
13th july 2009
went to Malaysian High Commission to have a morning tea with the Commisioner,Dato Salman
nice person of him and his wife..
ate currypuff which i love it so much...n some kuih good to be here...hohoho
then jalan2 around canberra...went to parliament house but i didnt get to see the parliament room...i dunno where is it...i just saw some pictures that had taken from other trip's member:(
then we went to canberra centre to shop and later to Australian National University...
at midnyte,we depart to falls creek
14th july 2009
ski trip at falls creek...yehhooo
i love it...
playing with snow is so exciting..i got to play toboggan and snow board..i love snow board altho i fell a lot as i didnt know how to stop..hahahah
at nyte,depart to melb..
it has been 2 nights slept in the car...
15th july 2009
reach melb,the tram city
staying at kak lin's,kak azni's and kak itri's hse...nice house
my nose was bleeding when i got into the tarago...wat a good timing....adoooi
then we went to melb happy to see fara,sri,gajan,adidah, mei shan( the last time i saw her was 1 1/2 year ago)
then,they brought me jalan2....dorkland,harbor town...nice city altho hectic
at nyte, we went to find a restaurant but we got lost....hohoho,but luckily found a muslim restaurant....the rice was too much that i couldnt finish it...
then waited for the wrong tram..adoooi
at nyte,i couldnt sleep properly bcoz of my bad health
16th july 2009
we went to seminar mahasiswa malaysia in melbourne uni
but after lunch, i went to meet fara
we went to jalan2 around city,victoria market n makan2...
then went back to the seminar
at nyte,we went to adelaide
17th july 2009
so good to be in adelaide..the peaceful place that i love n i miss during winter trip
we reached adelaide around 10am...
i love adelaide..hohoho
thanx evryone for the memorable trip
thanx melb people for entertain me
sorry for all wrong doings...
the pics will be uploaded later..if i hve time to do so...hohoho